Roberta Busechian is Founder of Spazio (T)Raum Sound Art in Milan, member of Errant Sound in Berlin. Artist and researcher: installations, conferences, work with istitutions in the context of Sound Art, electroacustic composition techniques and Sound Studies, audiovisual practice, new media, workshops and seminars about sound installations and contemporary audiovisual art practice and curatorial projects.

An analysis of a sound art educational project to introduce sonic activism to school students

The question about how to teach sound art as active participation in sonic activism involves schools alongside public artistic institutions. In a way, within the following project “Klangkunst im MV,“ this question was a focal point, as the project attempted to determine the best means for introducing students to sound art practice and to fascinate them with sonic research. This project was developed in Berlin at Atrium Jugendkunstschule Reinickendorf in cooperation with comX and the Bettina-von Arnim-Schule and funded within the “Kultur macht stark – Bündnisse für Bildung 2018” through Paritätische Bildungswerk BV e.V. and the Programm JEP – Jung Engagiert Phantasiebegabt. The theme of the project, created and developed by Roberta Busechian with the support by Atrium Jugendkunstschule, was sound art practice inside the urban area of Märkisches Viertel, where the school is located. The experience showed that it is necessary in order to work properly with young people in a way that allows them to approach sound in an active way but intuitively and without constrictions.