3 Oct to 5 Oct 2019
@ Faculty of Art and Design JEPU, Ústí nad Labem & Public Hall Hraničář

2 / 10 Arrival
@ Public Hall Hraničář / Cafė ve Foyer
19.00 Meeting with participants of the conference who have already arrived
3 / 10 Day 1
@ Faculty of Art and Design
10.00 Opening (Pavel Mrkus)
#1 Sound as a source of information and a means of environmental change — The acoustic environment as an indicator of the critical state of the world and the need to alter our relation to it.
10.30 Peter Cusack
Aral Sea Stories: Soundscapes of A Major Environmental Change
11.00 Tomáš Šenkyřík
Soundscape of South Moravia, Virtual field recording trip from the confluence of the Morava and Dyje rivers to the peak in the Wild Carpathians
11.30 Slawomir Wieczorek
Sonic Ecology and a Big City. The Soundscape of Paris according to Des Coulam
12.00 Anna Kvíčalová
Manufacturing nature? How to do things with sounds in the Anthropocene
12.30 Jaroslaw Jaworek
Soundscape Ecology in the Perspective of Environmental and Sound History
13.00—14.30 Lunch break
#2 Design and sound — Connections between architecture, urbanism, design, and acoustics.
14.30 Sam Auinger
Listen to the Sonic Commons – Sonic works in public space by O+A
15.00 Balázs Kovács
Hangfarm project presentation
15.30 Jeff Gburek
Sound Stranger
16.00 Karolína KotnourEvolving Architectures – Spatial Adaptation and Extreme Dynamic Environments
16.00 Peter Cusack & Sam Auinger
Sound walk
@ Public Hall Hraničář
20.30—23.00 AV performances (Moderator – Jan Krombholz)
Ali Chakav / Aloïs Yang / Jeff Gburek / Jiyun Park / Tomáš Šenkyřík
4 / 10 Day 2
@ Faculty of Art and Design
#3 Sound as an inner experience — Acoustic ecology as a possibility for transforming our relation to the world in both art and science.
10.00 Aleksandar Vejnovic
Audience Development in Acoustic Ecology Facilitation and empowerment for open public exemplified on a case study
10.30 Jadwiga Zimpel
Deep listening, place sensing and the sense of place
11.00 Jan Trojan
An acoustic signal articulated by musical instruments in a form of musical composition or sound performance
11.30 Dariusz BrzostekField Recording as the Technology of Self: Acoustic Ecology and the Ethics of Care
11.30—13.30 Lunch break
#4 Sound and education: sound literacy — Listening as an important part of upbringing and education. Sound activism.
13.30 Csaba Hajnóczy
Teaching Acoustic Ecology
14.00 Roberta Busechian
Sound art educational: An analysis of a sound art educational project to introduce sonic activism to school students
14.30 Martin Flašar
Teaching silence: Listening long before music
15.00 Šárka Zahálková
Sound as a Way to Memory
15.30 Nathan Wolek
DeLeon Springs: Listening at the intersection of geophony, biophony, and anthrophony
@ Public Hall Hraničář
19.00—23.00 AV performance (Moderator – Polina Khatsenka)
Martin Zet / Barry Wan / Boštjan Perovšek / AVA Kolektiv / Jan Sůsa / Slavek Kwi
5 / 10 Day 3
@ Faculty of Art and Design
#5 Context as one of the parameters of sound interpretation — The importance of the social context for our ability to listen and understand sound.
10.00 Martin Nitsche
Phenomenological Approaches to Sonic Experience
10.30 Raquel Castro
Aural identity, neighborhood and community
11.00 Jozef CseresJohn Cage’s Sound Ecology and Its Consequences to the Aesthetics
11.30 Irena Pivka
Sound Ecology within Contemporary Art Practice
12.00 Július Fujak
Sonic Photography as a Trace of Kairos
12.30—13.30 Lunch break
@ Public Hall Hraničář
13.30 CENSE meeting – planning next agenda
16.00 Exhibition guided tour
19.00 Afterparty